Pleasing taste, some monsterism.

Halloween Month

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As much as I like colorful characters and costumes and monsters, for whatever reason Halloween doesn't quite click for me. I'm not sure if it's always been that way for me; I remember going trick or treating as a kid, and I know I was excited to be dressed as a Ninja Turtle at least once (Donatello is my favorite, for the record). For whatever reason, most memories of Halloween itself never really stuck with me. It probably didn't help going to schools that had "harvest festivals" instead.

Maybe that energy is just dispersed throughout the year with my art? I don't have (or want) kids, and apartment living my whole adult life also means that I don't get trick or treaters. It occurs to me that major holidays just kind of come and go for me as another day most of the time. The most I tend to do is find a horror movie series to re-watch over the course of the month. Still, maybe there's some opportunities for give characters their own Halloween spirit. I've drawn Nova as Ulala from Space Channel 5, made Bun-E03 a witch, given CAT-SS a legally distinct "werecat" costume that definitely doesn't call back to her inspirations... I should try to get a little more experimental this year and lean in to the season a bit more, art-wise.