Pleasing taste, some monsterism.


Why a blog?
Social media has become a toxic minefield driven by algorithms and a need for endless growth, and I'm supremely tired of that. I've had my own website since around 2014, and have been constantly iterating on what it is and what it's for in that time. Nobody can own this space but myself; no bored billionaire can acquire it, no techbro can slowly infest it with ads. This is just my place to be me and post what I want to it, free of numbers and points of data. No cookies, no tracking, just a place for me to post updates.

I do want to do more outreach down the line, but right now, in this moment, I'm fine with having a place to post long-form thoughts, art updates, and tutorials on my own time without having to stress over additional data points or people being aggro or weird with knives at the ready.

Why's it separate from the main site?
In the wake of Cohost shutting down, I wanted an easy place to put things and send people to if they wanted more information on my writings and other updates that mirrored - more or less - what I was already posting there without the extra layers that the main site had, however small. I'm no strange to longform writing, and having a separate blog with a simple theme that loads super quick made the most sense to me. The goal wasn't to RETVRN to some non-existent time where things were "simpler", I just like the look and feel of something that tells you, at a glance, that you're looking at a blog without any extra bells and whistles.

Can I get RSS feeds just for specific topics?
Yes, though because of how Grav handles that, you can't just slap .rss on the end of a taxonomy link. You need to put the .rss before the category. For example, if you just want updates on art, you'll want to add the following to your feed reader:

Unfortunately there's no way that I know of (currently) to combine multiple feeds, so if you want more than one, you'll need to add them individually.

Can I link to your blog?
Absolutely! If you do, I have an 88x31 badge for you to use:

You can add the following code to your site for convenience:
<a href=""><img src=""></a>