Pleasing taste, some monsterism.

Content Farming

Date: []

Went down a short, weird rabbit hole.

I wanted to test an aspect of the custom alerts I've made for my stream, and needed to see what max username length is (25 on Twitch, according to a Reddit thread) to try to adjust them so that longer usernames don't get cut off or pushed to a second line. That resulted in me seeing another thread about someone saying someone was taking their VoDs and reuploading them to YouTube as a form of impersonation. Not just reuploading them for others to watch, but trying to present themselves as the channel of the person whose VoDs they were stealing.

Which got me thinking - I've had people steal my art before, but what about my videos? So I opened YouTube in a private tab and typed in my username on Twitch (SuperRetroHeart).

The first result, and the only substantial result I could find of someone stealing something that was distinctly mine, was a video from 8 years ago of someone narrating an old Tumblr post I made. It was half-jokingly titled "Things Only 90's Kids Will Remember", and was mostly just me venting my frustrations on the state of things at the time in regards to the systems that have failed us all in the United States (and very little has changed since; it only feels like it's gotten worse).

Considering it was 8 years ago (so around 2016), it does line up with when YouTube content farming was just reading out posts from other sites and adding nothing. I'm more annoyed that my deeply personal frustrations were made into a bad attempt at skimming ad revenue than I am that someone took the post to begin with.

Hope they got their $0.05 from it, I guess?