Pleasing taste, some monsterism.

Project Cat Girl Preview

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Categories: [art]
Tags: [Project Cat Girl]

I've kicked around this idea for years now, starting it, finishing art pieces, thinking too hard about it, talking myself out of it, restarting it... It's now or never, really.

I'll be sharing more about these two and LOTS of others on Patreon and Ko-Fi in the near future, so if you want to see more, give those a follow!

You can also use either to give me money so I can continue to live and make art. That'd also help.

Or you can just keep an eye on my blog for updates. (You should be reading this on the blog or via an RSS feed right now. If not, kudos for figuring that out I guess? Or maybe it's the far future and this has been absorbed into something else that still requires a link back. Who knows.)

I'm not your dad, do whatever you want. I'd appreciate it if you did all of the above, though.